Enter Your Zip Code To Shop Natural Gas Prices in Augusta Georgia

Compare Augusta Natural Gas Prices

  • Written By: Shannon Bedrich

  • Want an easy way to compare rates and find the best natural gas price in Augusta, Georgia? You’ve come to the right place.

    Natural Gas Company in Augusta

    Atlanta Gas Light is your gas delivery company and responds in the case of emergencies. But every resident of Augusta must select a gas supplier. That’s where we come in.

    NaturalGasPlans.com can help you compare natural gas plans. We give you a much easier format than the Gas Marketer’s Pricing Comparison.

    Because who has time to search through an excel spreadsheet, then research phone numbers?

    You’ll find detailed breakdowns of each gas plan. We’ll help you pick the best natural gas plan for your home. And we’ll make it easy for you to switch or sign up for your natural gas. And if you want to see natural gas prices from Gas Marketer’s Pricing Comparison we have that too!

    Here are the latest natural gas prices for service in Augusta, GA

    Natural Gas Prices in Augusta Georgia

    Plan Name Term Rate per THERM
    Constellation 12 Month 12 56.90 ¢
    Constellation 24 Month 24 57.90 ¢
    Gas South Variable Rate (Month to Month) 1 59.00 ¢
    Constellation 36 Month 36 59.90 ¢
    XOOM Energy Sure Lock 12 12 67.90 ¢
    Gas South Fixed Rate 6 6 69.00 ¢
    Gas South Fixed Rate 12 12 79.00 ¢
    Gas South Fixed Rate 24 24 79.00 ¢

    Shop Natural Gas Prices in Augusta Georgia

    How to Find the Best Natural Gas Rates in Augusta

    For most people, the best natural gas plan is the plan that offers the lowest natural gas price.

    We recommend fixed rate plans for your natural gas in Georgia. That way you secure a rate for the term of your agreement. Variable rate gas plans can be tricky. You’ll pay a low introductory rate and then your price will start to climb. (Find more on the types of plans in our blog on How to Shop for Natural Gas in Georgia.)

    But here’s a step by step of what to look for, to find the best natural gas rate in Augusta Georgia.

    Time needed: 10 minutes

    How to find the Best Natural Gas Prices in Augusta GA

    1. Enter your zip code.

      You can shop by zip code to find the best natural gas prices in Augusta

    2. Pick the type of plan.

      Pick from Fixed Rate or Introductory Variable Rate. (We recommend only selecting a fixed rate plan.) You can also get added extras like a Nest thermostat or home security camera.

    3. Compare the rate per therm.

      The rate per therm is the charge for each unit of natural gas you use. But you need to look at more than the price of natural gas.

    4. Compare the monthly Customer Service Charge.

      Here’s something to look out for. Many gas companies have a monthly service charge in addition to the price per unit of gas. So if you don’t use a lot of gas, you may want to go with one that has the lowest monthly customer service charge

    5. Compare the early termination penalty.

      Since you are shopping for a fixed rate natural gas plan, you may have to pay an early termination fee if you cancel your gas plan before the end of the contract. These fees are usually low. But look for the cheapest exit fee.

    6. Select Your Plan and Enroll.

      Pick the natural gas price and plan that gives you the best price for natural gas, and the lowest customer service charge. When you enroll, you will select either “Move in” (if you are starting service in a new home) or “Switch” (if you are switching to a new gas supplier at the end of your contract.)

    How long does it take to switch my natural gas supplier in Augusta Georgia?

    Once you switch to a new natural gas supplier in Georgia, your new rate will take effect on your next billing cycle. If it’s after the 19th of the month, it may take up to 45 days for your switch to be completed. If you are moving in to a new home, just pick the date you need service. You can schedule your service to start on any available date.

    What’s the Average Natural Gas Bill in Augusta GA?

    The average home in Georgia uses 717 therms per year, according to the Georgia Public Service Commission. The price you pay for those therms will vary, and depends picking the best supplier.

    But that average includes houses of all sizes. It also includes usage from people who only have seasonal gas, and shut it off every summer.

    Your natural gas bill will depend on:

    • The price per therm of natural gas you are paying
    • Whether you use natural gas to heat your home (48% of people in Georgia do!)
    • The size of your home
    • Your thermostat settiing

    high natural gas bill in winter is common for Augusta Georgia, especially if you use natural gas to heat your home. Approximately 40% of your annual natural gas bill is during December and January.

    charge shows the average monthly natural gas usage in Georgia
    Source: Georgia Public Service Commission

    If you are looking to save money on your gas bill, here are 9 Ways to Lower Your Natural Gas Bill This Winter. And, shop for your natural gas on NaturalGasPlans.com to get the best price on natural gas in Augusta GA.

    Natural Gas Rates for Augusta Georgia

    About Shannon Bedrich

    Shannon Bedrich, co-founded NaturalGasPlans in 2016 to help simplify the process of shopping for home utilities. A CPA and our CFO, Shannon is the one that looks at all the fine print on each gas plan. Outside of work, Shannon enjoys spending time with family, rooting for the Aggies, and exploring all that Houston has to offer.

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