An annual furnace tune up is part of maintaining your natural gas heating system. Maintaining your furnace can save you a great deal of time and money. Because emergency furnace repairs can be costly and inconvenient, especially around the holidays and during the winter.
Natural Gas Fireplace – Types, Maintenance and Efficiency
When it comes to fireplaces, most people immediately think of wood as a heat source. But wood is actually one of the most inefficient ways to heat up a room, a space, or your home. Enter the natural gas fireplace.
Gas fireplaces are an alternative to wood fireplaces, and many people actually prefer them for different reasons.
Read More about Natural Gas Fireplace – Types, Maintenance and Efficiency
Best Thermostat Setting for Cold Weather
Heating bills too high? Here’s the best thermostat setting for cold weather if you want to save on your heating bill. Your natural gas furnace is the biggest consumer of gas in your home, more than your other appliances combined. Managing your home temperature can cut costs from your bill.